Clinical Director

Dr Sajid Nazir

Hi, my name is Sajid and I am the Clinical Director for the Viaduct Primary Care Network.

Dr Sajid Nazir

About Dr Nazir

Dr Nazir completed his medical training at the University of Manchester in 2005. He has been working in the area since 2007 and is a GP Partner and Trainer at Paddock and Longwood Family Practice. He is also Chair of the Kirklees Local Medical Committee. Born and raised in Huddersfield, he is passionate interest in improving local health outcomes.

About His Role

Accountable to the PCN’s eight GP practices, Dr Nazir is responsible for providing overall strategic and clinical leadership. Working closely with member practices, other PCNs, commissioners, patients and wider partners, our Clinical Director is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of the patient population through collaborative working.

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